Vol 2 No 2 (2024): Journal of Sustainable Agriculture Extension

Journal of Sustainable Agriculture Extension (JoSAE) Vol. 2 No 2. September 2024, contains the results of applied research in the field of extension and socio-economy agriculture. Consists of 6 articles with a total of 98 pages and was published online on 27 September 2024


Published: 2024-09-27

Full Issue
Nilai Ekonomis Pakan Kelinci dari Limbah Pertanian Berbasis Hay Multinutrient Waffle
Economic Value of Rabbit Feed from Agricultural Waste Based on Multinutrient Waffle Hay
Bangkit Lutfiaji Syaefullah, Muhammad Fachry Hidayat, Susan Carolina Labatar, Okti Widayati, Gallusia Marhaeny Nur Isty

220 209 Page 91-98